All Muslim are recommended to recite the following Surahs. If they’re recited frequently, a Muslim receives dual rewards and special virtues. Behind each Surahs revelation, there’s a specific purpose with a dual rewards.
- Surah al-Mulk - who ever reads this 30 verse surah and acts in accordance of the contents and learns the lesson it delivers, Allah will protect him from the punishment of the grave. It’s recited for the purpose of the prevention and salvation against the punishment of the grave.
- Surah al ikhlas - it’s the shortest surah in the Quran. It described monotheism. It also states that the lord is concealed and nothing and no one and no imagination can ever touch it to let alone describe it. The reward of reciting this surah frequently is as equally as if one has recited a third of the Quran. The more it’s recited, the greater the reward. If it’s recited 200 times a day, the sins of fifty years will be wiped out. It is recommended that Surat al-ikhlas be read with Surah al Fatihah so Allah can give protection from evil spirits and evil doers.
- Surah Fatihah - the greatest Surat in the Quran. It was sent from heaven as a light. It’s recited 17 times during the five obligatory prayers. If recited frequently throughout the course of the day, it will cause enlightenment and cure disease. It also cures the heart from darkness and disease.
- Surah al falaq - if recited in conjunction with Surat al-Fatihah and Surah al ikhlas, the reciter will seek Allahs protection from evil, envy and black magic.
- Surah an nas - if one recites early in the morning, Allah will protect the reciter from whispers of Satan, jinn and evil people.
- Surah Waqiah - this Surah is recited before going to bed at night. Many people who are experiencing financial difficulty and eleviate hardship. It brings good fortune (rizq) and eases your path for bigger opportunities and protect you from poverty. Durood/salawat Ibrahimi must be recited (3 times or 11 times) before reciting Surah Waqiah, then make dua and recite durood/salawat Ibrshimi (3 times or 11 times).
It is recommended that Surah Al Fatihah, Surah ikhlas and Surah al falaq be read in the morning and again before retiring for the day with the added Surah of Waqiah
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