Dua To Get Back Lost Love -Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
Love isn’t just the attraction of the body, but it is the attraction of the soul. And, when someone who has touched your soul leaves you and goes away from your life, then your life becomes miserable. So, if your lover has left you and gone away from you, but you still miss him/her and desire their presence in your life, then dua to get back lost love is the best way to regain your love. Insha Allah, the dua to get back lost love will bring your ex-lover back to you and make your relationship the same as it was before.
Some prayers just change your life. If the absence of your lover is literally killing you from the inside and you cannot bear this loss, then dua to get back lost love is all you need. Just practice the dua with pure intents and clarity in your heart to get desired results. If your lover has left you because of his interest in another boy/girl, then dua to get back love will help you out. It will bring your lover back to you and make them lose their interest in the third person.
Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
There are instances where you may fall victim of one-sided love. If you love someone but that person doesn’t love you, then dua to make someone love you back is the right remedy for you.
The dua will create mutual feelings in the heart of your lover and make them love you with the same intensity. Insha Allah, your love will flourish and you will enjoy an amazing relationship with your crush. You can get the right procedure to recite dua to make someone love you back from our molvi sb. Indeed he has helped a lot of lovers in getting their love.
Dua To Get Back Love
Everyone has experienced a broken heart in some or the other stage of their life. But, if you cannot bear your broken heart and you want a way out, then dua to get back love is the best solution for you. Practice it to bring back your ex-lover. Insha Allah, soon he/she will realize his/ her mistake and come back to you. They will never leave your side and will love you with all their heart. You should have firm faith in the doings of Allah Talah and the effect of dua to get back lost love.
Dua to get back lost love is given below:
- Make fresh ablution and recite this dua before going to sleep at night.
- Recite DuroodIbrahimi 7 times
- Now recite Surah Fatiha 11 times
- Then recite “YaAllahuYaRehmanuYaRaheemo” 300 times.
- Recite DuroodIbrahimi 7 times.
- Blow your breath on the picture of your lover and take the name of your lover and his/her mother’s name thrice.
- Then pray to Allah SubhanaWa’ Tala to bring back your lover to you.
- Do this for 7 days without a gap.
- Insha Allah, soon your lover will come back to you and things will be same as before.