Dua For Protection From Evil Eye – Ruqyah For Evil Eye
Dua For Evil Eye
Nothing affects a person so instant and bad as an evil eye. One can even die because of evil eyes. Yes, it has such a devastating effect on your life. Thus, our Prophet Muhammad SallalLaahuAlaihiWasallam has given us strict guidance about preserving ourselves from it. One should take immediate steps to secure yourself and your kids from the effects of the evil eye. And, the best way to do it is by reciting dua for evil eye. The dua helps you to get rid of the bad effects of evil eye in the shortest time possible.
Dua For Protection From Evil Eye
Evil eye doesn’t just affect your body, but it damages your business and life too. If someone has cast an evil eye on your business, then you may suffer great losses and never flourish again. In order to safeguard yourself from this problem, you should recite dua for protection from evil eye. The dua will help you secure yourself, your work and your family from the evil eye. It will never let it affect you in any way. If you think that your business is not doing well as it used to, then probably someone has evil-eyed your growth and the only dua for an evil eye can secure you.
Ruqyah For Evil Eye
Sometimes people cast evil eye without intention. When you don’t include the name of Allah Talah in praising a thing, then satan enters the place and devastates it. For instance, if you praise someone’s baby, then you should definitely add Masha Allah. If you don’t, then satan overpowers it and makes it worse. Evil eyes commonly affect babies. Hence, you should protect your baby from beforehand by reciting dua for protection from the evil eye. You can also perform ruqyah for evil eye to cut down the impact of evil eye.
It is important to perform ruqyah for the evil eye in the right way. You should get the procedure from our molvi sb. He will guide you in the right way so that you get the desired results. If you think that you have suddenly got a fever or you literally don’t feel like doing anything or you may suffer from immediate illness, then you are possibly a victim of the evil eye. Recite dua for evil eye to get rid of its effect. Make sure you always keep yourself in the refuge of Allah Talah to preserve yourself from such bad effects.
Dua for evil eye is given below:
“Bismillah Hi Arqeek Min KullaShaiyinYu’dheek Min SharriKullaNafsin Au AyninHasidinAllahuHashfeekBismillahiArqeek”
Recite this dua 7 times and blow on the person infected with evil eye. You can also blow it on a glass of water and make that person drink the water. Insha Allah, in no time, you will see that the person will get healed.
If you still don’t see any change in the condition, then you should speak to our molvi sb.to get better solution in this regard. Insha Allah, he will give you the ruqyah for evil eye which will cure your dear one in a short time period.
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